Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Guilt is something that I have long wanted to discuss on my blog and in more involved writing. I feel called to write, and write about topics that relate to women who are out there just like me. I have been told by so many of my readers that the reason why they like to read here is that I let you know that we are all in the same boat. Motherhood or womanhood in general in the Christian realm is tough! I try to be honest about my struggles and feelings about such things, and I pray that is relavant to you.

Guilt as a Christian woman, wife, and mother is something that I feel compelled to discuss. I believe it is a quiet epidemic among my contemporaries. I know it is something that I experience often and my friends speak of often. I can honestly say that I know one woman that says she doesn't struggle with it. ONE! What a sad commentary!

We feel guilty if we work and we feel guilty if we stay home. We feel guilty if we want to work, even though we are staying home. We feel guilty if we breastfeed, and we feel guilty if we use formula. We feel guilty if we start cereal too early or veggies too late. We feel guilty about public school, private school, or home school. We feel guilty if we say no at church and we feel guilty if we take on too much. We feel guilty if we don't take care of ourselves enough to be beautiful for our men, and we feel guilty if we spend too much time or money doing it. We feel guilty because we feel guilty in the first place! I could go on and on. I have heard and felt it all.

What I am asking for from you in the name of research is some honest responses. I have started researching and studying this topic and I would like to know what you think. I promise that if my writing does go anywhere, all things will be confidential and no names will be used. I would just like to know how others are feeling. Some questions to get you started...

What is it that you experience guilt about?

Where do you think that guilt stems from?

Do you feel there is something you are constantly trying to live up to?

Do you feel alone in that guilt?

Do you feel like your guilt affects how you function as a wife or mother?

I am not asking you to drag out your Bible, put on your spiritual hat, and give me a Biblical reference to the Virtuous woman. I seriously just want to hear what others are thinking about this subject. How do you feel? I encourage you to use email so you can insure your thoughts are not floating out there in the blogosphere. Email me at tancy(at)bighorncountry.com Please. Any response you give me is helpful.